Thursday, September 20, 2007

Found under a Mulberry bush...please return

Mulberry, we need to talk...

I love (in no particular order) your bags, your take on all that is quintessentially British, and some of the original pieces from your Home Collection circa 1991 (especially the pewter frames and original screenprints by Rosemary Saul). And I was excited by the news that Katie Grand would be at the creative helm as of the Spring 09 collection but...what happened for Spring of 08?

Denim overalls tucked into cowboy emerald green satin skirt suit...yet more satin, this time in pale pink...

The overall feel is "bad thrift store" know, not the "finds" that the cool girls get...just the stuff that's left for the rest of us.


  1. Do you know what brand the cowboy boots are that Mulberry uses in the current campaign?

  2. Really useful piece of writing, lots of thanks for your article.
