Monday, January 07, 2008

If the shoe fits...

I really am a glutton for punishment...I should clarify, I’m talking about the fact that I continuously check-out heeled boots and shoes that my balance-challenged self could never wear, not the 101 other things that I punish myself over. I’d stop were it not that I love the eye candy aspect and, ex-Girl Guide that I am (okay, I was “asked to leave” after a week but it still counts), I take it as my Good Deed For The Day if I can steer someone else in the direction of fabulous footwear.

Hence, a picture of what I’m going to call either “Martin Margiela's Summer boots” due to the air-conditioning vents or “French girl boots” due to their insouciant vibe and the mental image I get of me wearing them wandering along the side of the Seine (hey, if my mind can get over the hurdle of me actually walking in 4” of heel it can get over the lesser hurdle of location).


  1. God, I love those; I'd never have seen/thought of them until you showed them to me!
