Sunday, May 25, 2008

“Though this be madness, yet there is method” - William Shakespeare

A couple of days ago it was so cold that I had to wear one of my winter the temperature is supposed to be near the eighty degree mark...and I'm currently perusing some images from H&M's collection for this's enough to make a girl schizophrenic. But I suppose if you have to go crazy you may as well do so while ogling nut brown leather "sweaters", chinoiserie, and some shoots (shoe/boots) which look suspiciously like the ones that Chloe gave us this spring.

So however mad it may sound, though I'm ready for a little summer, I'm definitely looking forward to fall.


  1. Anonymous10:02 AM

    More H&M delicious lookbook pics which is getting me more intrigued....

  2. These are much more than I'd ever have expected from H&M. Inspirational! I'd really, really love to have a leather "sweater." We have that weather for months here.

    I'd never have known about these if you hadn't shared them.

  3. I don't want to look at fall stuff for as long as possible. Last year, I felt the autumn looks had worn out their welcome by the time it was appropriate to wear them.
