Tuesday, July 22, 2008

“Some people think luxury is the opposite of poverty. It is not. It is the opposite of vulgarity.” - Coco Chanel


They say that inspiration hits in the unlikeliest of places. I can attest to that as, midway to an "almost faint" (when you don't actually pass out but come pretty darn close) I spotted a portion of what I later discovered was the Poverty Medley from My Name Is Barbra (Streisand's first television special from 1965)...I can't quite decide which affliction is worse...that I have the occasional fainting spell...or that I could still think "nice dress" whilst in the midst of one...

But it was pretty hard to ignore the (still very modern) combination of leopard coat, leather dress, and shoots (the shoe/boot hybrid). When I watched the entire clip via YouTube today I was stunned by the number of lustworthy outfits there were...okay, not the white fur knickerbockers...but most of the other ensembles had me sighing and longing for some '60's, co-ordinated, I am woman, hear me roar' outfits...


  1. Aaaw! hope you feel better. I'm a full out fainter myself...last time it happened I was getting a few blood tests. It was a really nice new, handsome, young doctor. When he was done I sat up too quickly and fainted face forward off the bed, whacking my face and head on the floor. I looked like I'd been beaten up for the next week and was in a fair bit of pain...but one of the first things that I thought when I started to come around and figure out what had happened was...oh no I hope my skirt didn't fly up and display my underwear! We know whats important in these situations!!! ;)

  2. miss milki - thanks, much better now...sorry to hear that you're a fellow fainter though (and I hope you understand) strangely comforted at the same time to hear that someone else is experiencing this...also glad that I'm not alone in my random fashion thoughts at these times :)

  3. Only the most powerful clothes could make you faint. You're truly a lover of fashion.


  4. This can't have effect in actual fact, that's exactly what I believe.
