Tuesday, November 25, 2008

“As far as I'm concerned, being any gender is a drag.” - Patti Smith

A few days ago a friend sent me an email containing the following...


"Ho, ho, ho", said I. "Isn't that amusing?" And Mr. Heb and I joked that I obviously needed to add more girlish references in my writing in order to remove my new gender neutral moniker. Then I decided to write this post and tried the GenderAnalyzer for myself.


In the space of a few days I have gone from 51% (gender neutral) to 53% (blog written by a man). What the hell...at this rate my blog persona will be 100% masculine before the Thanksgiving gravy has congealed on the plate.


  1. Fascinating.

    I wonder what their criteria are for masculinity v. femininity. Of course, now I have to go get my "analysis" done.

  2. I'm a man!

    I'm posting about it, referencing you. I hope that's okay.

  3. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Hilarious--they are 66% convinced that my blog is written by a man...which it isn't. As enc said, I wonder how they analyze the gender...

  4. I'm 82% woman. That is more than I thought!

  5. enc - post away, I'm just glad that I'm not alone in my cyber-manliness...

    belle - I think they're tossing a virtual coin (that's my story and I'm sticking to it)

    thesearch - I'm soooo jealous!
