Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Would you mind passing the caterpillar crunch?

Some sentences that I thought I would never utter..."let's all go bungee jumping"..."these fried grasshoppers are delicious"...and "I'm looking for some bright pink Juicy sweatpants".

Another sentence that I couldn't imagine coming out of my mouth was "I really like Victoria Beckham's latest collection"...yet, despite the guilty feeling that washes over me as I type this, I do. Specifically, it's the capes that have me in their grasp...they're streamlined and luxurious...futuristic (in a vintage sci-fi movie kind of way) yet classic (in an Audrey Hepburn in Charade kind of way).

Oh, the shame...I just want to hide away and pig out on a big bowl of caterpillar crunch

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