Sunday, December 13, 2009

"If life gives you a bowl of lemons, go find an annoying guy with paper cuts" - unknown

I mentioned some time around Thanksgiving that plans were afoot for a crafty Christmas in the Hebden hacienda. The theme was paper and the idea of origami decorations seemed like a good one when we were younger, more enthusiastic, and not suffering from multiple paper cuts.

Actually, now that we're finished...and the hours of folding, threading, and (in the case of the paper chains only) sellotaping are behind us...I have to say that the end result is rather snazzy, in a Victorian/Japanese kind of way...and, minus the expenditure on the actual tree, ending up costing less than the price of a couple of store bought decorations.

If anyone wants to try this I can recommend double-sided foil origami paper to add a little many extra pairs of hands as possible to assist with the cutting and folding...and the patterns for samurai helmets and ninja stars close to hand.

1 comment:

  1. The effect is really beautiful, and of course handmade decorations have more sentimental value than store-bought, mass-produced decorations.
