"If the past cannot teach the present and the father cannot teach the son, then history need not have bothered to go on, and the world has wasted a great deal of time." - Russell Hoban

A couple of learnings from Vegas...

  1. People can be...by accident rather than design...incredibly insensitive.  At first I thought I was imagining the stares that my cast was receiving...then Mr. Heb mentioned it...then people began stopping and staring...then a woman asked the rest of her group (and, at the decibel level her voice was pitched a good deal of the people surrounding her) in horrified tones, "Who comes to Vegas with a cast?"  Clearly, in her mind, I should have kept my deformity in a darkened room.
  2. When you're up at the tables...just walk away...
  3. When you happen across a sartorial stumbling block...the kind of expensive, shiny, little bauble that would normally make you whip out your credit card faster than you can say "I'll regret this purchase in a year or two"...like this (absolutely stunning) brooch/necklace from Balenciaga...and you identify it as such...and, furthermore, realize that previous purchases of such expensive bejeweled items has given you the knowledge that such pieces tend to shed a stone or two a few years down the road...and you just walk away...you feel pretty, darned good.
  4. Photobucket

  5. Then, when you satisfy your yen for something shiny with a pair of $10 Elvis sunglasses, you feel decidedly virtuous...



Post a Comment 3 comments:

  • Carlene said...
    11:24 AM
    1. People are rude, generally, but I'm willing to bet that was alcohol talking (and staring).
  • Jennifer said...
    8:07 PM
    Well, you know that Vegas is known for the classy quality of its clientele, and their fashion sensibilities. So what else were they to do than look with disdain at your present situation? Maybe if you were wearing a rhinestone-studded Wayne Newton oversized T-shirt...
  • The Tote Trove said...
    10:58 PM
    People are something else, aren't they? I'm sorry you had to hear that and agree with your other readers about the role of alcohol and Wayne Newton tee shirts . . .

    Well said about resisting pricey baubles. I happen to love cheap sunglasses and am thrilled that you splurged on a pair.

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