Monday, November 29, 2010

"'ve been sitting much too long, there's a permanent crease in your right or wrong." - Sly Stone

If you are anything like me, being slightly rumpled...creased...and dé a daily fact of life. Not that I don't admire people who iron the folds in their clothes to knife-edge precision...and can look as unwilted at the end of the day as they did at the beginning...I just know that I do not belong to their ranks. I am the Columbo to their James Bond.

Which probably explains my enthusiasm for these crumpled city maps. Paris...London...and New York...printed on virtually indestructible to be rolled into a ball at the bottom at the bottom of my handbag yet still maintain their functionality...and...waterproof (which means that not can I indulge in a little singing in the rain, I'll be able to get where I'm going as well)...


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