Sunday, December 26, 2010

"He wrapped himself in quotations - as a beggar would enfold himself in the purple of Emperors" - Rudyard Kipling

I'm not even going to discuss what was in it...I'll leave that for another day...instead I'll focus on the packaging (which must have gladdened my mailman's heart as much as it did mine). Turquoise bubble envelope...sealed with a rather snazzy black and white polka dot tape. As this was my first purchase from Amélie Boutique I don't know if this is their regular packaging...or a "let's make things extra nice for Christmas" wrap...either way, it was special enough to be placed under the tree in the envelope it crossed the Atlantic in...a refreshing change in a world of brown cardboard boxes and bland anonymity...




  1. Quite effective material, thank you for the article.
