Friday, December 10, 2010

"There is luxury in self-reproach. When we blame ourselves we feel that no one else has the right to blame us." - Oscar Wilde

There are times, shopping-wise, when you're "bad"...then there are times that you wander so far into the realm of shopping madness that you leave bad behind in the dust and move quickly onto "deranged". Friends, I had a deranged day. Lured by Barney's sale signs...intoxicated by a recent run of work...I went a little mad (small, freckle-faced children and sweet little old ladies may have been knocked out of the way and trampled by my progress...I can't remember).

It started, as these things so often do, in the handbag evil nemesis...craftily placed on the ground floor so that it's impossible to move from points "A" to "B" in the store without, however unwittingly, "browsing". Pride...the little swine who pushes you into the void just when you're about to take a careless step...had me mentally patting myself on the I headed into the final straight...towards the elevators...and saw "it". The butter-y soft black leather and dark red lining screaming "ladylike"...the square stud on each handle and triple zips running the length of the bag yelling "punk" in return...the juxtaposition that I love (and find myself returning to over-and-over again) was CĂ©line. I wavered...I vacillated...I picked it up...I put it down...I picked it up again and sauntered over to the mirror. I even put it on hold so that I could walk around for a few hours and try to regain the tattered vestiges of my sanity. Then I walked back and bought it.




That's the point when a sane person...not one caught up in deranged day celebrations (like Christmas, but with fewer decorations and more self-gifting)...would have left the store. I got on the elevator...


  1. This is the most delicious bag, soooo beautiful! I'm so lucky to live far far away from this temptation!

  2. So beautiful. The only reason I would have been able to resist that is the gold-toned hardware...I try to limit myself to nickel, since that means I have to say no to at least 75% of what's out there.

    (Please do not tell me it also comes with nickel hardware.)

  3. It seems to me that you're either obsessing over stuff you don't buy, or worrying about having bought stuff... I think you should be celebrating right now, 'cos that bag is amazing, and will make you happy and proud for a long long time!

  4. JJP - I am wishing that I lived slightly further from temptation myself...

    Carlene - that's a great strategy (I haven't seen it with nickel hw...but, then again, this was the first time I'd seen this particular style)

    Cora - You are correct...I am a guilt-ridden obsessor...attempting to spend my money wisely, and not on every random sparkly thing that catches my attention (writing through my current obsessions helps). I am celebrating though...and quietly happy, and pleased, with my latest purchase.

  5. Deranged? A Celine bag? I'd call that quite sensible actually.

  6. When I started reading this post, I knew I would love it. Your experience is one shared by women the world over, and you relayed it beautifully. Enjoy your bag - you deserve it!
