Sunday, December 12, 2010

"Think pink! think pink! when you shop for summer clothes." - Funny Face

Every so often, usually when I'm feeling a little down, I'll muse on the need to add more Color (capital "C", luminously bright) into my wardrobe...and generally, when I'm feeling a bit perkier, I realize that deep down I'm a black-grey-muddy-tones-with-shots-of-red-or-navy-or-green kind of girl. Which is why I'm hesitant on how to greet the news, from Pantone HQ, that 2011 is all about honeysuckle...or, as they put it, "A dynamic reddish pink, Honeysuckle is encouraging and uplifting. It elevates our psyche beyond escape, instilling the confidence, courage and spirit to meet the exhaustive challenges that have become part of everyday life." even, they continue, encourages us "to face everyday troubles with verve and vigour". Blimey...

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this article, really useful material.
