Sunday, February 27, 2011

"Every form of addiction is bad, no matter whether the narcotic be alcohol or morphine or idealism." - Carl Gustav Jung

Given the abundance of such groups I have to imagine that some sort of self-help community exists for those who cannot resist the seductive charms of the striped top...if not, I need to start one. The latest incarnation that I happened across...the studded striped sweater...initiated one of those Homer Simpson-esque "d'uh" in "stripes, studs, relatively easy to DIY...why have I not spent a weekend studding my little heart out?"

The thing is...once I track down the right sweater...and order ye olde jumbo bag of studs...that's just what I'm going to do...


1 comment:

  1. Madame Suggia8:20 AM

    I share your striped shirt addiction (really, I have no 'off button' when faced with a striped knit of any sort) but almost $400 for a sweater? No way, Jose. But I WILL be stalking ebay for a stud or sequin trim that comes in deep ribbons, about 1"-2' wide, and those puppies will be applied to a t-shirt in progress pronto-tonto.
