Tuesday, February 22, 2011

"Too many people today know the price of everything and the value of nothing." - Ann Landers

The lure was a weekend of tax-free shopping in a state whose taxes make you blink...shudder...and long for a stiff drink before contemplating any major purchases.

The unexpected interest was provided by a floor-length khaki skirt...exuding casual elegance from the window of Michael Kors. A skirt that I fondly imagined wearing whilst bumming around in the summer...or for work (on days when it wasn't raining and I wouldn't have to worry about cleaning the streets every time I took a step).

The letdown arrived at the moment the sales assistant informed me that the skirt retailed for $2,300.

I am now...somewhat optimistically...searching for something equally dressy-casual...that doesn't accessorize with the threat of penury.


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