Monday, March 14, 2011

"Good design begins with honesty, asks tough questions, comes from collaboration and from trusting your intuition." - Freeman Thomas

It's been all too easy to become more than a little jaded by the ubiquity of Liberty prints recently. They went from being, at least in the US, an object of reasonable an unavoidable occurrence...having been strewn around on everything...from Target's (depressingly cheap feeling) clothing to gladiator heels at J Crew.

The latest in this long, long line of collaborations however feels...right...proper in a "pip, pip, old chap...stiff upper lip...let's go do some huntin' and fishin'" kind of way...for it is with that other bastion of all things British, Barbour.

The end results are a rather pleasing mix of the pretty and the practical...


  1. I saw this online last week, and all I could think was "As if I didn't want a Barbour--which I can't afford--enough already, now they had to do this!"
