Thursday, March 03, 2011

"The simplest things are often the truest." - Richard Bach

Life is full of contradictions...a fact that is generally reinforced at the moment when, having just finished a healthy salad, I yearn for a piece of candy...or when I realize that, much as I love a statement necklace or cuff as much as the next girl, the idea of a couple of simple bracelets is rather appealing...even more so once the weather gets warmer and weighty jewelry can feel wrong (and, during the muggiest months, downright uncomfortable).

Enter two simple strands...the first, a circle of ebony beads...the second, black onyx...with (what else?) a rose gold skull...because, after all, you can take simplicity too far...


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:36 AM

    I enjoyed this post the most of all I've read of yours. It speaks volumes about everything, not just jewelry.
