Tuesday, March 29, 2011

"This award is meaningful because it comes from my fellow dealers in celluloid." - Alfred Hitchcock

In theory, winter has bid us adieu and spring has entered from stage left...waving a bunch of daffodils and offering chocolate Easter bunnies to one and all. I sound skeptical, I know...but the local weather forecasters are still using snow (albeit flakes rather than flurries) in their conversation...so I am not feeling especially spring-like.

The only upside that I can see to this situation is that...instead of feeling guilty about wasting a perfectly glorious day indoors...I can plan a mini-film festival...and be doubly lazy because the aforementioned m.f.f. comes in a box...like pizza (without the calories but hopefully higher in entertainment value)...for toppings, I can choose from amongst zombies, love, or dark comedies.

Take that, winter-that-won't-go-away!


1 comment:

  1. This won't actually have effect, I suppose like this.
