Thursday, October 23, 2008

Rock me Amadeus...take me for cocktails Ludwig von B

Apologies in advance to any Jeremy Scott fans out there but when I stumbled across Las Vegas based Shop Fruition (in my hunt to find a price for Ambush' “Beeeeethoven" necklaces...sadly too expensive for something that I'd be buying purely for the amusement factor) I was initially put off by the sheer volume of J.S. on offer.Photobucket

Thankfully (or not as the case may be when I'm trying to be "good" and not spend any money) I'm a born window shopper...even if the windows are on my I kept browsing. Luckily (as far as my new buying philosophy is concerned) the tiger sweater has been sold...and the Christian Dior trench a men's XL. And yes, I realize the irony of not liking Jeremy Scott yet falling for the (admittedly God-awful) tackiness of the tiger sweater...what can I say, I obviously have issues.



  1. Funny necklaces!

  2. That brightly-colored geometric dress is really great.

  3. Anonymous10:10 AM

    I want a Bach necklace.... who has those....I wonder....

  4. Goodness, there is a great deal of effective info above!
