Sunday, March 08, 2009

“Men are like wine - some turn to vinegar, but the best improve with age.” - Pope John XXIII

I think least from the perspective of an ex-Brit living in the US...I have discovered the ultimate Anglo-American snack treat. And though this may revolt those of you with any form of taste buds whatsoever...ladies and gentlemen...may I introduce you to the delights of...salt & vinegar popcorn.

Yes, it's the un-godly combination of the flavor of salt and vinegar crisps and the all-American more-ish-ness of popcorn and, like Dr. Frankenstein, I'm proudly claiming this little monster as my own invention. And, just in case anyone is brave/crazy enough to try this in the safety of their own's the "recipe"...
  • In a le Creuset (or similarly heavy pan with a lid) place two capfuls of corn oil and a single kernel of yellow corn
  • Heat on high until the kernel pops then add enough yellow corn to cover the bottom of the pot
  • Reduce heat infinitesimally
  • Wait until frantic popping has slowed then reduce heat to medium
  • When popping is essentially over turn heat off
  • Place golden kernels in a large bowl and add vast quantities of freshly ground black pepper and half a tablespoon of salt
  • Take bowl and a bottle of Sarson's vinegar to your "snacking lair"
  • Shake a little vinegar onto your popcorn...hear the release of air and watch some of the popcorn deflate...
  • Eat upper layer of popcorn...continue adding vinegar and eating until all the popcorn is gone

Note: this snack is greatly improved by the presence of a glass of dry white wine.

Note #2: am I the only one who feels that today's quote would be better attributed to Mae West than Pope John XXIII?


  1. i agree about mae west. i do a similar thing with popcorn but substitute soy sauce for the vinegar.

  2. Looks like I need to try soy sauce next...thanks for the tip!

  3. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Given my friends' love of salt & vinegar potato chips, I'll have to test this out! BTW--I'm assuming this is a white vinegar that you're using?

  4. elizabeth - let me know what you think...I use Sarson's Malt Vinegar which you can find at some surprising places in the US (my local Jewel has it for some reason...)

  5. Oh. My. God. I think you have revealed my new favorite way to eat popcorn. I love S & V potato chips but never thought of it on popcorn.

    I have a stove-top popcorn maker and constantly make batches using the really cheap bulk organic popcorn from Whole Foods and olive oil, which is healthier and gives it a great taste. Now I know what to do with the malt vinegar I've had for a while. Yummy!

  6. Not that it matters, but I just discovered that my bottle of vinegar is also Sarson's. Now I have to make a batch of popcorn with it. Maybe tomorrow night. Definitely tomorrow night. Then I guess soy sauce is the next to try!
