Sunday, July 25, 2010

"Every word is like an unnecessary stain on silence and nothingness" - Samuel Beckett

You rarely get much in the way of entertainment value from clothing care labels...unless, that is, you find cold wash cycle information to be particularly riveting...yet, I read much the same freakishly odd way that I peruse the ingredient list of fast food restaurant ketchup packages...and the small print in the back of airplane magazines.

There's the undying (though slightly fading) hope that something interesting or amusing may be hidden away amidst the morass of bumph. Up till now that hasn't proved to be the case but, as they say, hope lingers on...and is occasionally rewarded. Witness the humor contained on the inch or so of care guidance attached to my new travel companion...



  1. I also love to read the content and care labels on clothing. This is the most clever one I've seen! I had to save one from a Halloween decoration I bought last year. The content is:
    70% Fabric
    30% Cotton
    Very interesting...
    I also remember a coworker showing me one during Bush's second term. It was on a US made shirt selling in France, and the label contained an apology for Bush being president, that they hadn't voted for him. A very strange and clever label, whatever your political leanings.
    So keep looking at labels... you never know what you'll find!

  2. So glad to hear I am not alone in this pastime...I'd love to have seen the apology tag!
