In general, when I let the moths out of my wallet and hand over the requisite amount for a magazine, it tends to be because of the editorials...articles tend to all too frequently fall under the categories of a) actress X opening she probably did on numerous previous an attempt to convince the general public to hand over an additional chunk of change to see her latest movie...or b) helpful hints that are not altogether helpful or require a level of dexterity with make-up or hairbrush that would tend to suggest that you don't need the advice in the first place.
I've found it much more entertaining...and useful collect vintage tomes on style. For, while the fashions themselves may have changed, the advice is generally rather sound. Take, if you will, The Intelligent Woman's Guide to Good Taste which was published in 1958.
Recently...with summer in full-swing and a few plane trips in my near future...I found myself re-reading the travel section (I've scanned the entire chapter and have linked to larger, readable, images for those of you who are either bored at work or share my enthusiasm for vintage books)...
...and I kept coming back to the line "Many of the heavier all-wool jersey weaves make tailored suits and top-coats which do not crease, yet are as easy to lounge or sleep in as a shawl." Riveting stuff (as I'm sure you'll agree) and...while I may not be in the market for a tailored suit...I could recognize that I was lacking something in the easy-to-lounge-or-sleep-in-yet-not-completely-hideous-and-able-at-a-pinch-to-be-worn-to-work department. A deficit that I'm hoping will be rectified courtesy of Rogan's draped sweatshirt wrap cardigan...
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