Monday, December 06, 2010

"Youth like summer brave, age like winter bare" - William Shakespeare

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...well, it would if I could muster the enthusiasm to do anything more than drag the bag of decorations out of the closet...actually chucking up the tinsel is going to take some time...

But...the festive season means festive parties...questions of the "what to wear?" variety...and the pondering of inane articles about bare legs in winter. I use the "i" word because, with the average temperature this week hovering around the 25 degree mark, I get chilblains merely pondering stepping outside sans opaque tights.

All of which means...I'm those of you who live in colder climes actually ever go bare around the lower limb area in winter...or is this purely the result of a few intrepid New Yorkers (with limos) hanging out with one too many fashion journalists?


  1. I think it is more important to be warm than fashionable

  2. Not in Chicago, although I should confess that I am out of the nightlife loop.

    (today I am wearing tights, pants, socks, trainers, turtleneck, large men's cardigan, scarf and hat. Indoors.)

  3. Glad to hear two "nays"...I was beginning to feel rather wimpy.

  4. I think every person ought to read it.
