Tuesday, December 07, 2010

"The first draught serveth for health, the second for pleasure, the third for shame, and the fourth for madness" - Anacharsis

I realize that this constant harping on about chills isn't attractive...I mean, you rarely read a celebrity interview where they're whining about the windchill...probably because they're leaping from limo to centrally-heated luxury like the lords on the 10th day of Christmas. For the rest of us...especially those of us with quaint, original, and (let's face it) ill-fitting doors...the wind not only "comes whistling down the plain" but every other locality as well. Which is probably why I find myself ogling Wish's draught excluders...a far cry from the unsightly selection at hardware stores...their mix of plaid and leather makes me feel as warm and cozy as the proverbial bug in a rug...

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