"The air was fragrant with a thousand trodden aromatic herbs, with fields of lavender, and with the brightest roses blushing in tufts all over the meadows..." - William Cullen Bryant

You know that you're a city girl...with a country background...when the sight of bunches of lavender for sale in your local grocery store causes you to stand squealing with glee in aisle seven. For, as every CG with a CB knows, fresh lavender means that (after a little prep work) her closet can be showered with fabric sachets of dried lavender (a much more pleasing scent than any man-made variety).

Step one...getting grubby little hands on fresh lavender


Step two...removing lavender from stems and laying out to dry (a much more fiddly, time-consuming task than it sounds)

Step three...finding the fabric (and time) to make the "bags"...


Post a Comment 1 comments:

  • Mike Seary said...
    5:36 AM
    Aaahhh...Lavender, one of the world's most fragrant and beautiful plants. Commercially the plant is grown mainly for the production of essential oil of lavender. This has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. These extracts are also used as fragrances for bath products.

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