"Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any one thing." - Abraham Lincoln

In general, I treat New Year's Resolutions as the social pariah's which, let's face it, they are...full of promise and optimism during the first week of January...they start to disappoint mid-February...and hit their guilt-inducing peak somewhere around mid-March. This year, however...more from luck than good management...there are some things that I want to give a little more attention to this year. I'm not calling them NYR's...they're more of a 2011 to do list...

  1. Attempt to refine...declutter...and generally pare down...all the detrius that a seasoned horder, such as myself, can accrue
  2. Add a little light exercise to the Hebden regime..."light" being the operative word...we're not talking marathons here...more a soupcon of pilates every now and then
  3. A general hodge podge category, falling under the heading of "taking better care of myself"...a few fewer cocktails...a few more home cooked meals that involve fresh produce...
When written down I'll admit that my list does closely resemble a stack of resolutions except...there is no immediate start date.  If February rolls around and I've only managed to attend one exercise class...or found a new and exciting recipe for artichokes...I'll be happy...for it'll be an improvement on where I was before...


Post a Comment 3 comments:

  • Jennifer said...
    11:20 AM
    I abhor the concept of New Year's resolutions as one is pressured into a specific time frame to improve oneself. Your "to do list" is an excellent substitute; my to do list is pretty much the same as yours, which is darn good.

    A very Happy, resolution-free New Year to you, Heb!
  • Hebden said...
    9:26 AM
    And the same to you Jennifer!
  • 9:15 PM
    You are so right

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