These pants fall under the category of "things that I shouldn't like but do". Firstly because they're khakis...a piece of clothing which normally irks me beyond belief...partially because of its preppy connotations...but mainly due to the fact that every office I have worked in has included them on their HR department's list of "acceptable business casual wear" and nothing makes an item of clothing more off-putting and sterile than corporate approval. The second "should be negative but isn't" is the shape...peg-leg pants not being the most flattering style created.
Yet, as I say, the double negatives become a my mind at least...proof once again, if it were needed, that it's futile to adamantly say "I'll never wear such and such" because, when you do, fate will take it as a challenge to get said item into your wardrobe.
Plaid shirt - H&M, cardigan - Fred Perry, peg-leg pants - Junya Watanabe, talon cuff - Pamela Love, hi-tops - Converse |  |
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