As you may have noticed by now, I have a slight fascination with words...and, according to an online dictionary that I frequent, "Wode" can mean...
- Wood
- Mad
- A strange combination of the two as found in Chaucer..."Our hoste gan to swear as (if) he were wood"...(on a side note this probably explains my lack of enthusiasm for The Canterbury Tales)
- A seer, a poet
- Insane, possessed, rabid, furious, frantic
It is also the name of Boudicca's "art fragrance"...though in this instance Wode is taken from Woad...a "deep blue plant extract"...which I can't help feeling is a little less exciting than a frantic, poetic, possession but I find the overall concept interesting so if I was to wear it I'd make sure that I provided the necessary element of insanity. The idea, in a nutshell, is that when the fragrance first makes its appearance on the skin it is as a vibrant cobalt blue mist...which fades and disappears leaving only the scent behind. The combination of pressurized spray can and intense color mean that, if only for a few brief minutes, you can be your own canvas...walking graffiti...the very picture of scent and art combined... | ![]() |
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