I almost can't believe it but it was actually mild today...positively spring-like, apart from the overwhelming quantities of mud created by all the snow and ice that just melted. Which meant that today's outfit was a mixture of carefree clothes and utilitarian boots...oh, to be rich/in a good climate and not have to worry about schlepping through goo when you go grocery shopping.
On a more up-beat note, this was the second day of test-running the vintage Moschino bag that I was debating on selling...and which I've decided to keep. It's proving much too useful to get rid of and, to be honest, I'm beginning to revel in the over-whelming blinginess of all those faux gold logos.
Sailor dress - Heimstone, trench - Built by Wendy, silk scarf with cowboy print - vintage Ralph Lauren, ankle boots - APC, bag - vintage Moschino |  |
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