After spending way too long on YouTube trying to find an interesting video of "Dream a Little Dream"...and failing miserably I might add...I came across this one featuring Paolo Conte singing "Via con me"...nothing to do with the topic of this post but they were both part of the soundtrack for French Kiss...and the antics of the Playmobil figures made me I'm going with a little free association on this one.
But why was this relentless pursuit of D.A.L.D. taking place you ask? Well, quite frankly, it seemed the perfect accompaniment for Chanel's "Mattress" the appealing squishiness of the bag just seems to beckon me to nap time (and the accompanying dreams said bag ignites). Though, to be honest, the quilting reminds me far more of vinyl banquettes in seedy pubs than divans...though I understand why the boffins at Chanel didn't want to call it the "seedy pub seating" bag...
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